These links provide useful ideas for understanding and working towards healthier relationships with all the important people in your life. These resources touch on ideas of consent, gender and sexuality.


Te Taonga o taku Ngākau:Ancestral knowledge and the wellbeing of tamariki Māori - Report by Leonie Pihama, Naomi Simmonds, and Waikaremoana Waitoki

‘Te Taonga o taku Ngākau’ is a Kaupapa Māori research project that situates the wellbeing of tamariki Māori within the context of well and thriving whānau. The purpose of the research was to consider frameworks, values and actions for whānau transformation that exist within mātauranga Māori as share by whānau ourselves. Importantly, the research seeks to share ways in which whānau generate, through purposeful action, wellbeing from within mātauranga and tikanga Māori.


Tea Consent - video

This video uses Tea to teach us about consent. It shows how you should approach (sexual) consent as if making a cup of tea.


Gender 101: The Binary Won't Save You, Hoodrat to Headwrap: A Decolonized Podcast - Podcast

Refusing to acknowledge how gender works isn't doing you any favors, so gather round for this long awaited, very special teach-in episode w/ Resident Headwrap Sexuality Educator Ericka Hart as she helps you help us destroy white supremacist cis het patriarchy.


Body Safe | Tiaki TInana - website and program

BodySafe is an interactive secondary school programme that promotes healthy relationships by having open and supportive conversations about respectful relationships, sex and consent. By working with young people to promote healthy and respectful relationships we can reduce rates of sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand.


